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Rodwell, E.H.

‘Omar Khayyám. The Persian Text with Paraphrase, and the First and Fourth Editions of Fitzgerald’s Translation. By E.H.Rodwell. London, Routledge, 2017. - xii, 95 p.; 25 x 17 cm. - ISBN: 9781351668958. - (Routledge Library Editions; Persia; Volume 4)

FitzGerald 1859 and 1879 versions. - 112, 10 quatrains. - Appendix I entails a list of authorities; Appendix [II] shows authorities of the quatrains included.
Preface (p. v) -- Appendix I (p. ix) -- Appendix II (p. xii) -- Edward FitzGerald's introduction (p. 1) -- Text (p. 10) -- Appendix (p. 63)