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Drozhzhina, Marina N.; Davlatova, Sitora D.

Sufi symbolism in Tolib Shakhidi's televised ballet The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Marina N. Drozhzhina, Sitora D. Davlatova
Music Scholarship, 2018, Nr. 1, pp. 66-73

In the article devoted to one of the most well-known compositions by the Tajik composer Tolib Shakhidi the means of reflection of Sufi symbolism in the synthetic genre of the televised ballet are researched. Stemming from the essential parameters of the symbol (taking into account the formed traditions of study of this category), the authors propose their own perspective of the issue. The role of the symbol is shown in expounding by artistic means of the Sufi path of perfection (Tarikat) as a bridge between the two worlds. The orientation on the multilevel complex of sets (musical, scenographic, choreographical, scenic or poetical) and the specificity of the chief Sufi principle of zohirbotin (the inner vs. the outer) made it possible to carry out the analysis of the indicated phenomenon on the basis of a differentiated approach toward symbol
