Blanden, Charles [1901]
Omar resung. By Charles Blanden. Chicago, The Blue Sky Press, 1901.
Cadell, H.M. [1899]
The Ruba'yat of Omar Khayam. Translated by H.M. Cadell. With an introduction by Richard Garnett. London ; New York, John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1899. xxx, 52 p.
Baron Corvo [1903]
The Rubaiyat of Umar Khaiyam. Done into English from the French of J.B. Nicolas by Frederick Baron Corvo together with a reprint of the French text. With an introduction by Nathan Haskell Dole. London ; New York, John Lane The Bodley Head, 1903. [iv]+xiv+[248] pp.
Cowell, E.B. [1858]
Omar Khayyam, the astronomer-poet of Persia. E.B Cowell. In: Calcutta review, No. 59, March, 1858, pp. 149-162.
Curtis, Elizabeth Alden [1899]
One hundred quatrains from the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. A rendering into English verse by Elizabeth Alden Curtis. With an introduction by Richard Burton. New York, Brothers of the Book, 1899. 72 pp.
Cutter, Edwin Kendall [1900]
Quatrains from Omar Khayyám. Done into English verse by Edwin Kendall Cutter. Washington, 1900.
Dooman, I. [1911]
The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. Translated from the original Persian by Isaac Dooman. Boston, Badger ; The Gorham Press, 1911.
Gallienne, Richard le [1887]
Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. A paraphrase from several literal translations by Richard le Gallienne. New York, John Lane The Bodley Head, 1897
Garner, John Leslie [1888]
The strophes of Omar Khayyám. Translated from the Persian by John Leslie Garner. With an introduction and notes. Milwaukee, The Corbitt & Skidmore Co., 1888
Garner, John Leslie [1898]
The stanzas of Omar Khayyam. Translated from the Persian by John Leslie Garner. 2nd edition. Philadelphia, Henry T. Coates and Company, 1898. Also by George Bell and Sons, London.
Guiterman, Arthur [1909]
Rubá'iyát of Omar Khayyám. By Edward FitzGerald (author's final revision) with the literal Omar being a version of those quatrains of the original upon which FitzGerald's poem was based. Edited by Arthur Guiterman. With eight illustrations by Gilbert James. San Francisco, Elder & Company, 1909.
Ha'nish, Otoman Zar-Adusht [1924]
Omar Khayyam in his Rubaiyat. With a true history, life and biography of the Persian poet, astronomer and statesman by Otoman Zar-Adusht Ha'nish. Los Angeles, Mazdaznan Press, 1924.
Heron-Allen, Edward [1898]
The Ruba'iyat of Omar Khayyám. Being a facsimile of the manuscript in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, with a transcript into modern Persian characters. Translated, with an introduction and notes, and a bibliography by Edward Heron-Allen. London, H.S. Nichols, 1898. xii, xlii, 288 pp.
Heron-Allen, Edward [1899]
Edward FitzGerald's Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. With their original Persian sources collated from his own MSS., and literally translated by Edward Heron-Allen. London, Quaritch, 1899. xvi, 164 pp
Johnson, E.A. [1913]
The Rubaiyát of Omar Khayyám. Translated from the Lucknow edition by Johnson Pasha. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1913.
McCarthy, J.H. [1889]
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Translated by Justin Huntly McCarthy. In the Strand, David Nutt, 1889
Pallen, Condé Benoist [1908]
New Rubáiyát. By Condé Benoist Pallen. St. Louis, Herder, 1908.
Palmer, E.H. [1907]
The song of the Reed and other pieces. By E.H. Palmer. London, Trübner & Co., 1907. p. 81 From the Persian of Omar el Kheiyám (one quatrain); p. 195 Note on Omar.
Payne, John
The quatrains of Omar Kheyyam of Nishapour. Now first completely done into English verse from the Persian, in accordance with the original forms, with a biographical and critical introduction by John Payne. London, "Printed for the Villon Society by private subscription and for private circulation only", 1898. lxxi, 206 p.
Pickering, C.J. [1890]
'Umar of Nishapur. By C.J. Pickering. National Review, Dec., 1890.
Pollen, John [1915]
Omar Khayyám. Faithfully and literally translated (from the original Persian) by John Pollen. With a foreword by his Highness the Aga Khan. London, East & West, 1915.
Roe, George [1910]
Rubá'iyát of Omar Khayyám. A new metrical version rendered into English from various Persian sources by George Roe. With an introduction and many notes and references, and an original "Ode to Omar". Frontispiece by Adelaide Hanscom Leeson. New York, Dodge Publishing Company, 1910.
Saklatwalla, Jamshedji E. [1922]
A new translation of Omar Khayyám. By Jamshedji E. Saklatwalla. London, Luzac & Co., 1922.
Talbot, Arthur B. [1908]
Quatrains of Omar Khayyám. From a literal prose translation by Edward Heron-Allen, of the earliest known manuscript (Bodleian Library : Ouseley MS., No. 140). Done into verse by Arthur B. Talbot. London, Mathews, 1908. 53 p. (Vigo Cabinet Series ; 53)
Thompson, Eben Francis [1906]
The quatrains of Omar Khayyam of Nishapur. Translated from the Persian into English verse, including quatrains now for the first time so rendered by Eben Francis Thompson. With an introduction by Nathan Haskell Dole. Privately printed, 1906
Thompson, Eben Francis [1907]
Edward FitzGerald's Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. With a Persian text, a translation and a close prose and verse translation by Eben Francis Thompson. Worcester, printed by The Commonwealth Press, 1907.
Thompson, Eben Francis [1910]
The rose garden of Omar Khayyam. Founded on the Persian by Eben Francis Thompson. Worcester, Printed by the Commonwealth Press, 1910.
Tírtha, Swámí Govinda [1941]
The nectar of grace. 'Omar Khayyám's life and works by Swámí Govinda Tírtha (V.M. Datar). With foreword by Sir Akbar. Allahabad, Kitabistan, 1941.
Varesi, Masud Ali [1922]
'Umar Khayyám. By Masud Ali Varesi. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1922.
Weir, T.H. [1926]
Omar Khayyám the poet. By T.H. Weir. London, Murray, 1926.
Whinfield, E.H. [1882 - ]
The quatrains of Omar Khayyám. Translated into English verse by E.H. Whinfield. London: Trübner & Co, 1882 (Trübner's Oriental Series)
Whitney, Ruell William [1903]
Omar Khayyam. The Rubaiyat. Newly paraphrased by Ruel William Whitney. With slight foreword by C.C.M. The Imperial Press, Cleveland, Ohio, 1903.